
Camaquiri Conservation Initiative

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Camaquiri Conservation Initiative

The Camaquiri Conservation Intiative (CCI), named after a local Indigenous Chief from the 1500’s, is a new field station located in the Caribbean Lowlands of northeastern Costa Rica. The preserve encompasses 500 acres of older secondary lowland swamp forest with many scattered primary trees remaining throughout a forest containing streams, lagoons and swamps bordering the Rio El Zota. The Camaquiri Conservation Initiative is focused on rainforest education, research, and conservation in the neotropics. It includes a biological field station in northeastern Costa Rica that serves as a base for teaching and research by students and faculty from around the world. The station, which has been operating since 2019, consists of 200 ha (500 acres), much of which remains as primary lowland/swamp forest. There is a well-marked and maintained trail system and facilities that include a cafeteria,6 student cabins with capacity for 36 students, 2 professor’s rooms with capacity for 4 professors, classrooms, a laboratory with field equipment and a small library.